
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Derby Run and a PR

The Derby Run is one of my favorite 5Ks here in Plano.  I know I have only been getting in shape for a little while and I haven’t been running long but the Derby Run is absolutely fabulous.
The Derby Run started last year and is held to help end poverty in Collin County.  The run benefits Plano Children and Medical Clinic, West Side Clinic, and the Seven Loaves Food Pantry & Community Center.  I participated last year and walked my second 5K and had my best time of 38:34 my best 5K time. 
I knew I wanted to participate in the Derby Run this year because it is for a good cause and the course is flat meaning I could possibly PR. 
I had planned on working on speed work before the run to get faster and insure my PR happened.  Unfortunately, my knee left me pretty sidelined and I was able to run one 5K three weeks before and one run of 1.25 miles two weeks before.  So I didn’t get much running in nor was I sure I would be able to run at all.
Thursday I had another appointment with Advanced Chirosport.  This appointment left me feeling pretty confident that my knee was going to feel good for the race.  The doctor worked on my hamstring, knee, and hip as well as watched my running form.  I left the appointment able to touch my toes while stretching (I think a first).
So I felt pretty ready for my race.   Saturday kicked off the Derby Run and my husband decided to do the race as well.  I knew he would finish ahead of me but my goal was to do better than 29:39 (my best time to date).  When I took off my knee felt great and I went out faster than normal.  The first mile I completed in 8:35.  I knew  I would likely not be able to keep up that pace since I haven’t ran in weeks but I felt pretty confident that I could PR. 
I started slowing down towards the end my legs were tired but luckily my husband was at the finish line cheering me on and pushing me to go harder.  I finished in 29:13 or a 9:25 minute pace!  I also finished 4th in my age group.  I couldn’t believe it.  I was so happy that I PR’d but the best part my knee didn’t hurt nor did it hurt afterwards.  I feel so much better.  Now it is time to set a new goal and crush it as well!
Have you ever PR’d a race?

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