
Monday, September 23, 2013

Blackland Triathlon Recap

I am officially a triathlete!  I did it I completed the Blackland Triathlon.  

Get ready for a long recap!  The week before the race I started to taper my training and check the weather religiously.  The weather kept showing a 30% chance of rain.  I was worried because I had never ridden my bike in the rain.  

Sunday I made a list and laid out all of my stuff for the tri.  I definitely didn't want to forget anything.

I felt pretty ready.  Sunday night I ate lots of carbs and went to bed early.  I surprisingly slept well.  I woke up early, braided my hair, had breakfast and got ready.  As I was stretching I heard the rain start.  We had planned to leave early but held off since it was raining.  

It sounded like it was clearing so I loaded my bike and made my was to the race location.  I got marked and parked the bike in transition.

About that time, it started pouring again. The kids course was to start prior to the adult tri.  The postponed their start due to rain so I knew mine would be postponed.  

J and I sat while I tried to remain calm.  I decided I was going to do it regardless of never riding in the rain.  

Finally it was time to line up and get ready to swim.  I was near the back of the line based upon my estimated swim time.  My goal was under 10 minutes for 300 meters.  I was pretty sure I could do that.

I jumped in and began my swim.  It went fairly well (slow) but steady.  I finished in 8:49.  Slow but under my goal time.  I got out of the water and headed to get I put on my camelbak, shoes, helmet, and watch then was ready to ride (T-1 - 2:50).  

had rode the bike course several times and knew there were 2 hills that I was pretty slow on.  My goal was to finish the 15 miles in one hour.  I had hoped not to get passed on the course too often.  I felt pretty good since on the first hill I started passing people.  I took the first loop slow because I was worried about the rain.  It was also more crowded because people were on their second loop.

My second loop went much smoother.  The rain had stopped and I picked up the pace.  I finished the course in 58:41 (15.3 mph).  

After the bike course, I switched into my running shoes and started the 3.1 mile run course.  (T-2 - 1:58).

Luckily the temps were low and I had practiced the bike to run transition.  The first 1/2 mile was tough but I knew it would be.  

After the first 1/2 mile I got into a groove. It wasn't as fast as I would like my 5K time to be, but I did it.

I finished the run in 32:27 (10:28 pace).

I finished my first triathlon in 1:44:47!  I was so happy with my time! 

I had a great time and plan to do more triathlons in the future.  A huge thank you to J for being such a great photographer!

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