
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Goals

After finishing my first triathlon and moving across the country, I fell off the healthy eating wagon.  It was just so easy to eat out.  I was still running but I wasn't taking care of myself like I should.

Now that J is back to work its time to get healthy again.  I am currently training for the Rock N Roll Half Marathon in St. Louis on October 27th, but I know running isn't enough.  

My current goals are as follows:

- Eat healthy 7 days a week.  I may have one cheat meal (not day) on my long run days (i.e. Saturday)

- Plank A Day.  I need to get more core work.  So I'm planning to do a plank each day. 

- 30 Day Shred 6 Days a Week.  I enjoyed my two a day workouts when training for the triathlon and need to get my arms and abs back into shape.  I plan to do this routine until the week of the half (October 21st) then I will probably only do 3 days of shred that week.

- Run 4 days a week.  My current 8 week half marathon training calls for runs on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday.  Monday and Thursday are easy runs while Wednesday is dedicated to speed work.  Saturdays are long runs. I finished my longest run ever Saturday!  

Swim 1 day a week.  I plan to swim Tuesdays.  Swimming isn't my favorite form of exercise but I want to keep swimming because I want to continue triathlons.  I will swim one day a week while training for the half.  After the half, I'll evaluate my plans and go from there.

- Bike 1 day a week.  I personally would love to ride 3 days a week but I want my legs to feel good when going for a run.  I plan to ride on Sunday.  I don't have a specific time/mileage designated but I plan to do anything from 30 minutes up 2 hours.

I am hoping working out 7 days a week will get me back in shape.  Once the half marathon is complete, I will come up with new goals depending on how my knee hold up for the half.

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