
Monday, November 25, 2013

Weekly Workout Recap - Week of November 18th

Last week I really tried to get back into a groove of working out.  
Monday: Rest
I had planned on doing a short run Monday but instead I worked around the house, met Emily from The Salty Pretzel, and did errands.  It was a good day even if I didn't get a workout in.
Tuesday: 15 minute walk with Sophie and my First Personal Trainer Session

Since I was lazy Monday, I made sure I bundled up and took Sophie for a walk.  Boy that dog loves her walks.  We did a quick around the neighborhood before I headed to my personal trainer session.

Tuesday was my first personal trainer session with Sophia at Emerge Fitness.  I wasn't sure what the workout would entail but I was excited for something new.

My workout focuses on my back, hips, and core.  The workout wasn't too difficult but it was challenging.  I left drenched in sweat and I woke up on Wednesday sore between my shoulders.

Here's a few exercises from my training session:

Posterior Chain        
Bird dogs     3x15
Fire hydrants     3x15
Full hip circle     3x15

Wednesday: 30 minute walk with Sophie

I had great plans of running on Wednesday.  But when I woke up I was pretty sore from my training session.  I was sore between my shoulders, glutes, and hamstring.  I decided to take it easy on my legs so I took Sophie for a big loop in our neighborhood.

Thursday: Personal Trainer Session

My second personal trainer session was similar to the first.  I did a lot of the same exercises.  We focused on my hip flexors, hamstrings, glutes, back and core.  Along with the first session exercises, we added pushing a weighted sled.  Pushing the sled kicked my butt literally.  My legs felt like jello and even though the sled didn't have a ton of weight I felt like a bad a$$ doing it.  

I'm going to be out of town part of next week so I'll be doing one day of the workout on my own and then meeting Sophia again Friday.  

The sessions are challenging but I'm already seeing a slight difference in my core stability to I know it is working.

Friday: 15 minute walk with Sophie and 30 minute swim
I started my Friday with a brisk walk with Sophie.  I had talked about swimming with my trainer and she said it would be good for my core.

I got ready and headed to the pool.  I arrived to open swim not be ready for another 20 minutes due to water aerobics.  I spent my time waiting in the hot tub which felt amazing on my sore muscles.  Then I helped the life guard set up the lap lanes and started swimming. 

It had been a while since I had been in the pool (October 4th) to be exact.  So I didn't know what I had in me.  Luckily, 1000 yards felt good.

Saturday:  30 minute walk with Sophie

I needed to run Saturday but it was cold. Really cold.  I lost my running motivation. I did bundle up and take Sophie for a walk with J.

Sunday:  Rest
Sunday I hit the road to WV to spend a few days with my mom.  I am excited to see her and the rest of the family.  Since I was on the road so long I didn't feel like exercising.

My workouts this week were not amazing but the personal trainer sessions have sparked working out again.  After Thanksgiving, I should have a good plan for December.
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