
Friday, November 15, 2013

What's New and my November Goals

I would love to say that my workouts since my half marathon have been amazing, but that would make me a big fat liar.

After my half, I started receiving Active Release Therapy Treatment.  The treatment is working but I still have hip flexor problems that is causing strain on my back and thus the back pain when I run.

I've had two appointments a week since the race.  Last week, I started feeling better so I attempted to ride my bike on the trainer.  This caused my knee to hurt so I went to the elliptical but just wasn't feeling it.  Then I got a nasty cold.  I have been congested for a week now but am starting to feel better.  

On Tuesday, I met with my doctor again.  He felt that the treatment is working and I can run, but that my lower body is weak and impaired.  I have known this all along, but the news smacked me right in the face and left me not sure of what I'm going to do.

He has referred me to a personal trainer to get some workouts geared to helping with my problems.  It sucks that I can't help myself but I guess it will give me insight into personal training. 

I spoke with the gym on Wednesday and had my first appointment yesterday.  I met with Sophia at Emerge Fitness Training.  They did an initial consultation and then are creating a plan to help me get back to running without pain.  I will be meeting with the personal trainer 2 times a week for 3 months.  I'm hoping it will help.  Once I have more information, I'll do a review.  

As for my November goals, I am really not sure what my plans hold.  I'm hoping to get my lower body back in shape.  I plan on running a 5K on Thanksgiving but other than that I have no real plans.

I had planned on running a half in December in Dallas but I have pulled from the race since I haven't ran since my half.  

This month is going to be dedicated to getting stronger, trying to run (if my back allows it), bike regularly, and swim once a week.  Hopefully I can maintain these goals but everything is kind of up in the air with my injury. 

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