
Thursday, January 30, 2014

ENERGYbits Review

As I mentioned in Monday's post, this week is all about reviews on Fitness By Alicia.  A few weeks ago, I participated in the ENERGYbits Health and Fitness Twitter Chat.  After the chat, Jonathan Levit the Community Manager for ENERGYbits reached out to me and asked if it would like a sample of ENERGYbits to review.  I have seen many bloggers rave about the product, so I thought I would give it a go. 
So what are ENERGYbits?  ENERGYbits are made of one ingredient spirulina (algae).  Spirulina provides the highest concentration of protein in the world.  When ENERGYbits tabs are swallowed prior to a workout it provides you with energy, clears your mind, increases your stamina and ellimnates your fatigue or hunger.  If you take ENERGYbits after a workout it speeds up your recovery and helps with inflamation of muscles.  Another great things about ENERGYbits is that it offers all of these benefits without cafeine, chemicals, sugar, frutose, preservatives, gluten, soyanimal  product, or any banned substances.  ENERGYbits is even being taken by olympic athletes in Sochi.  How cool is that? 
ENERGYbits recommends that you swallow at least 30 tabs 10-15 minutes before your workout.
Like all products I review, I wanted to make sure I tried it a few times before giving a review.  I didn't really believe that the ENERGYbits would leave me full and with energy during a workout.  I also was a little worried about taking algea as fuel for my workouts since I sometimes have tummy problems.
I took the ENERGYbits before a session with my personal trainer.  I was feeling tired before the workout but after taking the ENERGYbits I had energy during my training session and definitely didn't feel hungry afterwards when I am typically starving.
I also took ENERGYbits before my 6 mile treadmill run on Monday.  I was dreading the run but the ENERGYbits left me feeling energized and not hungry.  I am now a believer!
My only complaint about ENERGYbits is that they have an algae smell. I definitely wouldn't want to chew them because I am pretty sure they would leave a bad taste in your mouth.  So make sure you swallow!
Interested in trying ENERGYbits on your own?  Check out their website and enter BLOG into the coupon box and save 10%. Also, I hope you will join me and ENERGYbits Health and Fitness Twitter Chat, held each Tuesday at 8 pm (EST) at #poweredbybits
Disclosure:  I received ENERGYbits in order to write my review.  All opinions are mine and mine alone.  I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255 concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. 
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