
Monday, June 2, 2014

Weekly Workout Recap: Week of May 26th

As I mentioned last week, I am going to start my weekly workout recaps again to help hold me accountable.  I am excited to be back to working out twice a day and can tell my sessions with my trainer have really made me stronger.  I can tell a difference in the pool.


Rest.  J and I were heading back from the lake on Memorial Day.  We were on the road most of the day so I decided to take a rest day.  We instead picked out a new refrigerator. 


Personal Trainer session and 8.53 mile bike ride.

My personal trainer session was much needed.  I am starting to get some stress regarding our move so I was really glad she pushed me.  We focused on a full body workout and even did some tire flipping. In the past flipping the tire was too challenging and I had to limit my reps but I made it through the entire set!  Woo hop!

After my training session, I loaded up the bike and headed to Route 66 park.  The park is near our new house so I wanted to give it a go.  It is a little under 2 miles for the loop.  So I did 4 loops and added a little bit at the end to make sure I made it over 8 miles.  I was a little slower than I had been in the past (i.e. last fall).  But I have only been on the bike once since last fall so it make sense that I was slow.  I am hoping the more I ride I will get back to my normal speed.


30 Day Shred and 900 yard swim.

My training plan calls for strength training Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  (I plan to switch to 1 day a week with the personal trainer).  Since my plan called for strength training, I decided to knock out 30 Day Shred.  I did level 1 and I have to say it was easy (actually too easy).  I need larger weights but that will have to wait until after we move so I will continue doing lighter weights until that happens.  I may go to the gym and then swim to get in a better strength training workout.

The 900 yard swim was brutal.  My arms and shoulders were pretty sore from Tuesday's session with the trainer.  I powered through the swim but it wasn't good.  I can tell it has been a long time since I have been in the pool.  My first 300 was great probably one of my fastest and that was a relief.  But the next 600 was a struggle.  I wanted to do 1000 but my shoulders would have none of it.


20 minute elliptical and a personal trainer session.

I kind of forgot how my legs felt when training for my first triathlon but I remember clearly now.  My legs felt tired a lot of the time.  Thursday mornings elliptical was a tiring cardio session.  My legs felt tired but as I ran they definitely loosened up.  

My personal trainer session was much better than the elliptical run.  My legs felt better but my mid back was tight.  We did some back stretches which helped.  We then did a lot of upper body moves and I left feeling refreshed.


30 Day Shred and 1000 yard swim.

I woke up on Friday with my middle back not feeling great.  I think the mixture of packing and starting triathlon training was really draining it.  I tried to keep up my workouts but I definitely didn't push myself completely.

I knocked out 30 Day Shred and then headed to the pool.  I did swim one of my fastest 300 yards in a while and was able to swim the additional 700 yards without problem.  So that was a plus.


Saturday I had a run scheduled.  But J and I woke up early with J's mother then went back to bed.  When we went back to bed we ended up waking up pretty late.  I decided to cut my run because I knew I needed to start packing.  We were able to knock out a huge portion of our packing so I felt much better.


Bike 9.63 miles followed by a 15 minute run.

J and I headed to Route 66 park to knock out our first Brick of the training season.  We completed 9.63 miles on the bike.  I am still slower than I wanted but I felt better than I did on Tuesday's ride.  J rode lead so he pushed me a little harder especially in the headwinds.  I now have 6 weeks to get faster on the bike.

15 minute run.  I know the runs are always going to be hard after riding the bike.  But it wasn't too bad.  I am still slower than I would like but I kept my form the entire time which is really what I am most concerned about right now.  

Overall, I am really happy with my first week of knocking out two workouts a day.  I also was happy that I wasn't starving the entire time.  Last year when I trained I was hungry 24/7.  So I am hoping to do better with eating this time around.  

Total Workout Time:  3 hours 45 minutes

What workouts did you do last week?

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