
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Workout Wednesday - Spider Plank

I have finished a few sessions of 6 Week 6 Pack and I can say there are still a few exercises that are absolutely killer.  I am really loving the moves but I do not love the spider plank. 
I still struggle with the beginner version but the advanced version shown above seems even more impossible. 

To perform the Spider Plank:

1.  Get in a full plank position.
2.  Bring your left knee to your left elbow.
3.  Return to the starting position and repeat with the right side.
4.  Repeat for at least 12 repetitions on each side.

For the beginner version:

1.  Get in a full plank postion.
2.  Bring your left knee and tap on the left side near your elbow.
3.  Return to the starting position and repeat with the right side.
4.  Repeat for at least 12 repetitions on each side.

The spider plank will work your arms, shoulders, and abs.  It is very intense!

Thinking about starting a fitness plan?  Don't forget to join my Fitness Challenge!  You will have the chance to win some fitness prizes and get healthy.  For more details, check out this link!

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