
Monday, February 24, 2014

Weekly Workout Recap - Week of February 17th

Another week of workouts.  Although I traveled to West Virginia over the weekend, I still had a relatively good workout. 

Monday:  30 Day Shred Level 3 and 4 minute wall sit

I woke up Monday feeling still relatively tired from our Vegas trip.  I knew I wanted to get a workout in, but I did not feel like being on the treadmill.

I decided to try Level 3 of 30 Day Shred.  I have never done Level 3.  It always scared me in the past, but I read a blog post about the different exercises and knew it would be very doable.  

Level 3 was definitely not an issue.  It consisted of a lot of plyometrics but nothing that wasn't difficult to me.  I had done a lot of the moves with my personal trainer.  However, if you have knee problems I would not recommend Level 3.  It is a lot more impact on your knees that the other levels.

I also knocked out 4 minutes of wall sits.  A girl in my fitness challenge suggested a wall sit challenge.  I thought it was a great idea.  I wasn't sure how long I would be able to go, but I did 2 minutes straight followed by another 2 minutes.

Tuesday:  Personal Trainer Session, 6 minute wall sit, and 15 minute walk with Sophie

My trainer pushed me harder at Tuesday's session.  We did my typical warm up then worked legs and core.  My last circuit was pretty brutal but I was impressed to knock it out.  I started the set with assisted pull ups.  When Sophia told me I was doing pull ups I thought she had lost it.  But I was able to do them with her assistance.  After the pulls ups, I did mountain climbers on the TRX bands and 30 seconds with a battle rope.  I repeated this set 3 times and my arms felt like jello.  I was sure I would be fore the next day, but it wasn't terrible.

After the training session, I knocked out 3 sets of wall sits for 2 minutes.

Wednesday:  7 mile run and 8 minute wall sit 

I was really looking forward to Wednesday.  The weather forecast still looked pretty fantastic.  A little cooler than Tuesday.  But I knew the weather would be much better than what we had been having and would be perfect for a long run.  I wanted to knock out my long during the week instead of Saturday, since I would be in West Virginia.

I decided to head to Creve Couer Lake to do my run.  I ran there last summer and loved that there was a great path and a gorgeous view while running.  I was hoping for 7 miles but I was going to listen to my body.  If my back started hurting I would cut it shorter.

The good news is my back didn't hurt.  It actually felt great.  It was one of those runs that I really needed.  I needed my body to feel awesome and it did.  I felt like I could go much father than 7 and that made me happy.  My pace is slower than it was in the past.  It could I took off time after my half marathon in October, it could be that I have a little more weight on my body (luckily more muscle than fat (I think)), or it could be my new form.  In the past I really slouched when I ran.  So now I focus on avoiding that and keeping my hips square under me.  Although I am slower, I have no pain, so I will absolutely take it.

My favorite part of the run was the water fall that was frozen.  It was absolutely gorgeous!

As I was going to run, I realized I didn't do my wall sit challenge.  I had planned on doing 2 minutes X 4.  I wasn't sure if my legs would have it in me with the run.  But I was able to accomplish it without wanting to die.

Thursday:  Personal Trainer Session

As I mentioned, I planned to go to West Virginia over the weekend so I woke up Thursday with errands and packing to do.  Since I had other things to do and my arms were still sore from Tuesday's personal trainer session, I decided to only do my personal trainer session.

The session wasn't as tough as Tuesday's but we upped the weights for my kettle bell swings and a few other things.  I knew immediately that my arms were going to be dying.  I even had to use Endurance Shield Relief and Repair to help my arms.  

Friday:  Travel to WV

I knew I wouldn't feel up to exercising on Friday since I would be on the road for over 7 hours.  I did do some wall sits (2 minutes) while waiting at the restroom in a gas station and I did calf raises while driving on cruise control.

Saturday:  20 minute run and 15 minute walk with my mom

I woke up with every intention of running Saturday.  Unfortunately, the weather was much colder than I had planned so I knew I would have to do it later in the evening.  We had plans to go to a 2 year old's birthday party.  So mom and I did that throughout the day and then when we got home, I knocked out my run.  I wasted to run farther, but my calf was killing me.  I think all the time in the car the past two days was a problem.  So I cut my run short and then finished it off with a walk with my mom.

Sunday:  Rest 

Sunday I wanted to spend extra time with my family and not be sore before heading out today.

This week I am starting my Wheat Belly experiment (2 weeks without wheat).  I'll keep you posted on how that goes.  I also start the 21 Day Fix Challenge from Beach Body this week.  I kind of excited to see how everything goes!  

How were your workouts this week?

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