Monday, February 10, 2014

Weekly Workout Recap - February 3rd

This week I officially started Half Marathon training.  I haven't registered for a race, but I am eyeing the Divas Half Marathon in Branson, Missouri the first part of May.  I haven't registered because I want to see how my back does on long runs.  I should be able to make a decision in 3 or 4 weeks and then I will register.  If for some reason the race is full, I will find a different one around the same time.  If for some reason my back doesn't hold up during the training, then I won't register for a race and I will re-evaluate my plans.

So here are my workouts from last week.

Monday:  35 minutes on the elliptical 

My training plan started with a recovery run.  I have decided that my recovery runs will be on the elliptical just to make sure my back holds up.  If It does, I may change the recovery runs to outdoors or the treadmill.  But for now, I am sticking to the elliptical.  I ran 2.28 miles.  I had hoped to do something such a yoga or 30 Day Shred after the run, but I still didn't feel 100% regarding my head.  So I cut those and tried to rest. 

Tuesday - 40 minutes on the treadmill 

Tuesday I was supposed to go to my personal trainers, but around the time I was supposed to be there the weather was also supposed to turn.  She and I talked and decided to cancel my appointment.  I am glad I did because the visibility and roads were pretty bad around the time I should have been working out with her.  

Since I wasn't working out with her, I did my 40 minute run on the treadmill at base pace (3.1 miles) .  My base pace is about 30 seconds slower than my pace was in Dallas, but I am keeping my form during the runs and for me that is the most important.  I always run my treadmill runs in intervals because I can't be on there very long without wanting to scream so during my "breaks" I did an easy arm workout.  

My treadmill run was powered by ENERGYbits.  

Wednesday:  30 minutes Elliptical and Personal Trainer Session 

My training plan called for another recovery run which was on the elliptical again.  I felt great on the elliptical and knocked out 2.15 miles in 30 minutes.  

After the elliptical, I got ready for my personal trainer session.  We really worked my legs on Wednesday.  I expected to be sore but oh man I was so sore!!  It was a great workout as always.

Thursday:  Personal Trainer Session and 20 minutes on the Elliptical 

I woke up on Thursday worried about my personal trainer session.  My legs were really sore.  We started the session pushing my legs even more (god was the terrible).  Then we did some core work focusing on side planks.  I expected my sides to be sore, but I think because my legs were so sore I didn't feel that soreness until Saturday!!

After the trainer session, I knew I needed to get my cardio in.  My legs were dead so I knew the treadmill was out.  So I did 20 minutes on the elliptical.  It was all I could really manage.

Friday:  30 Day Shred

My legs were still sore (see a pattern?).  So I stuck with Level 1 of 30 Day Shred.  I was hoping for some yoga later in the day but I didn't feel lit.

Friday I also changed my hair color!  If you follow me on Instagram you've already seen it, but if not here's the change.

I am pretty excited for trying something new.

Saturday:  Rest

I hadn't planned on Saturday being a rest day, but it just had to be.  My legs still didn't feel great and I didn't want to push it.  I spent most of Saturday watching the Olympics, which I loved.

Sunday I took part in Skirting the Run's Track, Trail and Treadmill Virtual Race Series 5K, my training plan called for 6 miles but my legs didn't have that in me.  So I thought it was the perfect time to do the virtual race 5K.  I ran in the subdivision but it was cold.  Really cold.  It took a while to warm up.  Fingers crossed that I win the $15 gift card from Skirting the Run!!  

How did you workout last week?  Did you watch the Olympics?  If so, what did you think?

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