Wednesday, December 28, 2016

31 Days of January Challenge

After participating in the 21-Day Thanksgiving Walk Challenge and the 24 Days of Christmas Challenge, I decided to do a monthly step challenge.  While this month will focus on getting steps and mileage, I also want to add some core work. 

Your core is so important in fitness.  If your core is weak you can get injured so much easier.  After having a c-section, my core is kind of shot.  So I want to get back on track.

1/1 – Walk 1 mile or 2,000 steps

1/2 – Walk 2 miles or 4,000 steps and a 60 second inchworm

1/3 – Walk 2 miles or 4,000 steps and 60 second plank

1/4 – Walk 3 miles or 6,000 steps and 20 glute bridges

1/5 – Walk 2 miles or 4,000 steps and a 60 second inchworm, 60-second plank and 20 glute bridges

1/6 – Walk 1 mile or 2,000 steps

1/7 – Walk 4 miles or 8,000 steps and 20 push-ups

1/8 – Walk 2 miles or 4,000 steps and 30 dead bugs

1/9 – Walk 2 miles or 4,000 steps and 30 glute bridges

1/10 – Walk 3 miles or 6,000 steps and 2-minute inchworm

1/11 – Walk 5 miles or 10,000 steps

1/12 – Walk 1 mile or 2,000 steps and 30 dead bugs, 30 glute bridges, and 20 push-ups

1/13 – Walk 2 miles or 4,000 steps and 30-second side plank (each side)

1/14 – Walk 2 miles or 4,000 steps and 2-minute plank

1/15 – Walk 3 miles or 6,000 steps and 30 push-ups

1/16 – Walk 5 miles or 10,000 steps and 40 glute bridges

1/17 – Walk 1 mile or 2,000 steps and 40 dead bugs, 40 glute bridges, and 30 push-ups

1/18 – Walk 3 miles or 6,000 steps

1/19 – Walk 3 miles or 6,000 steps and 50 dead bugs and 50 glute bridges

1/20 – Walk 2 miles or 4,000 steps and 1-minute side plank (each side)

1/21 – Walk 4 miles or 8,000 steps

1/22 – Walk 2 miles or 4,000 steps

1/23 – Walk 2 miles or 4,000 steps and 40 glute bridges and 40 push-ups

1/24 – Walk 3 miles or 6,000 steps and 2-minute inchworm

1/25 – Walk 4 miles or 8,000 steps

1/26 – Walk 5 miles or 10,000 steps and 1-minute plank

1/27 – Walk 3 miles or 6,000 steps and 30 push-ups, 50 dead bugs, and 30 glute bridges

1/28 – Walk 2 miles or 4,000 steps and 1-minute side plank (each side)

1/29 – Walk 4 miles or 8,000 steps

1/30 – Walk 3 miles or 6,000 steps and 2-minute plank

1/31 – Walk 5 miles or 10,000 steps and 50 push-ups, 50 dead bugs, 50 glute bridges, 1-minute inchworm, 1-minute side plank (each side) and 1-minute plank

If you participate in the challenge, feel free to take photos and share on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook and use #31daysofjanuarychallenge

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